Contact and Billing
To contact, either fill out the form on the left to email, or dial by phone to speak to Mary Sue in person at 908.313.7233.
Standard Oil Painting: $550
Standard Watercolor: $475
The Standard oil and watercolor painting size is 11x14. If you require larger, smaller, or unusual painting sizes prices will vary. Pet portraits for an 11x14 oil painting are $350. Drawing and pen and ink options are also available. Please call to discuss pricing guide for commissioned fine portraiture of loved ones, family members, children, the sports advocate, or musicians. Some paintings require extra time and research, so quoted price may vary. A deposit of 50% is due upon delivery of estimate, 25% upon delivery of drawing of approved subject, and the remaining balance due upon completion of the artwork.
Mary Sue will guide you through the process in providing photo reference suitable for converting to original art work.